Premier League Primary Stars
Premier League Primary Stars is the Premier League’s primary school education programme. Funded by the Premier League through the Premier League Charitable Fund, the programme uses the appeal of football to help children be active and develop essential life skills.
Launched in 2017, and available to every primary school in England and Wales, Oxford United in the Community is one of more than 100 professional football club community organisations across England and Wales delivering Premier League Primary Stars, supporting pupils in the classroom, the playground and on the sports field. More than 18 million children have benefited from the national programme to date.
Premier League Primary Stars enables teachers to use resources across English, PSHE, PE and Maths, to support children to develop skills and values that are crucial to success in later life.
Oxford United in the Community began it’s Premier League Primary Stars delivery in 2018 and since then has supported 720 young people through 180 sessions in 8 schools.
The free programme also provides teachers and parents with access to more 650 downloadable resources across a range of curriculum subjects at Key Stage 1 (age 5-7) and Key Stage 2 (age 7-11), developed by teachers for teachers, and in collaboration with experts such as the National Literacy Trust.
To find out more about the national programme, please visit premierleague.com