OUFC Inclusion Squads
We partner with Abingdon and Witney College to deliver weekly inclusive football sessions exclusively for adults living with a disability.
2023/24 was our first full season delivering the programme, with sessions taking place at both the college and the Oxford United Training Ground.
Over 30 participants regularly attend, benefitting from increased mobility, wellbeing and confidence, but also becoming part of a team environment and supporting each other.
We now run two squads who play several fixtures against other teams each season.
“We’re committed to providing meaningful provisions for adults who live with learning difficulties and might struggle to integrate into their communities.
Older people who live with learning differences can often be forgotten about, which is why our long-term programme of activities targets individuals of all ages.
Our work with Oxford United in the Community has been fundamental in getting our message across and the team’s inclusion football sessions have gone from strength to strength”
Lee Humber
Adults with Learning Differences Coordinator at Abingdon and Witney College
Sessions run on Wednesdays at Abingdon & Witney College, Wootton Road Campus in Abingdon. Please click below to contact us if you are interested in joining the squad: