Oxford United in the Community and Easington Sports Football Club are helping to Kit out the Nation.

As part of the ongoing development of their strategic partnership in Banbury, Oxford United in the Community (OUitC) and Easington Sports Football Club (ESFC) are helping to Kit out the Nation.
We are delighted to be part of the BBC’s Make a Difference Kit Out the Nation Campaign which runs until Saturday 16th October.
It is aimed at taking in and distributing unwanted, good condition sports kit and getting it to children and teenagers in schools and clubs who need it, at a time when the pandemic has seen levels of exercise among young people plummet.
A recent government report showed that 100,000 fewer children met the recommended level of activity in 2020 than in 2019. Affordability of kit was one of the issues around access to sport and exercise.
If you have any sports kit in good condition that you don’t need, don’t want any more or is simply lying around not being used, you could make a real difference to a young person’s ability to access sport by donating this.
We are looking for clean and usable kit that is bagged up prior to dropping off.
One item we are particularly looking for is Astro Turf football boots and trainers, for the young men participating in the OUitC Refugee Football Project working with Refugee Resource and Asylum Welcome in East Oxford.
Donations can be made on a Saturday and Sunday morning 10am-12 midday when the club is open and being used by youth teams and at other times please drop donations in the little wooden shed near the club house by the entrance from the car park. The club is accessible during the school day as the car park is used by the school, so you can drop in and leave items during school hours. We kindly ask for all donations to be bagged and signed KIT OUT THE NATION.
Address: Easington Sports FC Addison Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 9DH
If you wish to organise a bulk drop-off please contact Paddy Patterson of ESFC on 07455 007293.
For further information on Kit out the Nation please visit the BBC website here.
Thank you

Directions – Easington Sports FC

The road leading to Easington Sports FC.

A wooden shed near the club house for donations.