Football-mad youngsters team up with Thames Valley Police

Participants on a free youth engagement programme in Didcot managed by Oxford United in the Community linked up with Thames Valley Police for a one-off football match with a twist.
Seventeen people aged nine to eighteen from the charity’s Premier League Kicks sessions joined seven police officers at Willowbrook Leisure Centre in partnership with local youth work charity TRAIN.
The full-time whistle blew with the game at 3-2 to the younger group before officers from the Didcot and Wallingford Neighbourhood Police Team introduced themselves and got to know participants better through a question and answer session.
The match was the first of its kind locally and was organised to help strengthen relationships and build trust between young people and the police by using the power of football as a way to interact in a positive and informal setting.
Sergeant Kevin Hickman who took part in the game said: “Building relationships between young people and the police helps to develop mutual respect.
“This event was a chance to do just that, and now when we’re out on neighbourhood patrols we are more familiar with the faces we see and vice-versa. All players can now put a name to us and feel confident to come and speak to us when they wish.”
Thirteen-year-old Fraser who participated in the match added: “People stereotype the police, but you meet them like this they’re chilled out. It was good fun to play!”
Premier League Kicks, funded by the Premier League through the Premier League Charitable Fund, uses the power of football and sport to inspire young people to reach their potential, in some of the most high-need areas in England and Wales.
Sessions are free and take place on Mondays in Didcot at Willowbrook Leisure Centre during term time between 4.30pm-5.30pm for children aged 9-12 with another session for those aged 13-18 happening from 5.30pm and lasting an hour.
Lisa Harrold, Youth Work Manager at TRAIN, added: “This event perfectly reflects what TRAIN is about – bringing young people together with others in their community in positive and meaningful ways.
“Opportunities like this help young people feel supported, break down barriers and build trust with figures of authority like the police.
“By creating a fun environment, we’re helping young people feel more comfortable reaching out for support and opening up opportunities for stronger relationships in our community. Our thanks go to Thames Valley Police and Oxford United in the Community for supporting the day.”
Parents and children interested in learning more and signing-up to Oxford United in the Community’s Premier League Kicks sessions are invited to email [email protected] for further information.
Sessions are also delivered in Oxford, Banbury, Abingdon and Witney.