Five simple tricks to make positive changes to your cardiovascular health

2nd November 2022

Rebekah Stapley, Health and Wellbeing Lead at Oxford United in the Community, offers a few simple tips on how to lead a healthier lifestyle with the support of FIT U’S

Even the greatest athletes of our generation will fall on times where they might find that bit of motivation which drives them forwards to achieve personal goals hard to come by.

Enjoying our guilty pleasures and having a few down days to recuperate and charge the batteries is totally natural – and often raises motivation to a level where great things can be achieved.

The same logic can be applied to any person’s weight loss and cardiovascular health journey. FIT U’S is here to inspire, facilitate and implement positive change in individuals looking to lose weight and lead a more active lifestyle.

Here, we list our top five reasons on how FIT U’S is helping to get Oxfordshire moving again!

  1. Surrounding yourself with the right people

At FIT U’S, you’ll meet a bunch of likeminded individuals who all share the same common goal as yourself.

Every participant has their own story and personal target, which is what makes Tuesday nights at Rose Hill Community Centre so special. Whether you are looking to lose a pound or a stone, everyone is welcomed with open arms.

What most participants do not realise when enrolling is the power of their own story, and how it can inspire positive change in those around them.

  1. Education

Not everything we do at FIT U’S is practical.

We believe it’s important for participants to understand the key reasons why people can be vulnerable to neglecting their own health via individual and team-based challenges and discussions.

Applying this knowledge to the real-world is a major reason why the average participant loses approximately 5% of their body weight during the 13-week course.

  1. Motivation

Perhaps the biggest reason for people delaying their weight loss journey is motivation.

It’s why we see a spike in the number of gym users at the beginning of every year as people see January as a good time to start their new routine following the Christmas break.

FIT U’S inspires motivation in participants by:

  • Setting fresh targets and goals
  • Tailored mentoring and coaching
  • Learning new things
  • Working together as a team


  1. Physical activity

It’s the part of weight loss some people dread – physical exercise. But truthfully, there is no need to panic!

Physical exercise does not mean hiking until your legs feel like they are about to fall off. Or lifting weights repeatedly for extended periods of time.

Exercise at FIT U’S is entirely tailored to every person’s ability, and no one is left behind. During the programme, you’ll notice as muscles become used to new exercises, your performance – and confidence – will begin to build.

  1. Lifelong friends

Best of all, at FIT U’S you will meet friends for life!

In fact, participants who enrolled onto our first wave have formed such a strong connection with each other that they have setup their own walking club in Oxford every Thursday night!

You can read about Chris, Terry and Saj’s story on our website by clicking here.

Don’t delay, sign-up to FIT U’S’ winter wave today!

If you’re looking to make lasting change to your cardiovascular health and would like to enrol onto our FREE FIT U’S programme this winter, simply email [email protected] to register your interest.

Alternatively, you can visit the EFL Trust website or contact myself directly via 07456 804313.

Our winter FIT U’S programme will be held at Rose Hill Community Centre every Tuesday from November 15 between 5.30pm – 7.15pm for men and 7.30pm – 9pm for women.

We hope to see as many of you there as possible!

Rebekah Stapley, Health and Wellbeing Lead at Oxford United in the Community.

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